Are you having a Magical Day? I can hear you laugh out loud with your busy minds thinking that this day is anything but a magical day. Let me tell you a story:
Everywhere I turn, everyone I speak with, every conversation I hear, STRESS is felt, heard, and seen. Why do we feel so out of control with time, money, relationships? Is our health starting to break down because of the daily stress we face? Are we realizing that we can no longer cope with our lives because our “expectations” are not being met?
Ok. It’s time to put the breaks on our stressful thinking, focus on taking a deep cleansing breath, with closed eyes, and then think of what makes us smile? Now is the perfect time to make a list on paper so that our ever-growing list will become our coping mechanism. Yes, we need to take a few minutes out of our stressful day and take inventory of what is important. Let’s make this a daily project, leaving our note pad and pencil out in full view not to forget. Every day, we write down what makes us feel important – confident – safe. This little exercise is just the beginning and is a very simple method to cope whenever a stressful thought ignites our nervous system telling our beautiful adrenals, “Danger, danger, we are not safe!” We need constant reminders that we are safe – we are ok – we are in the present moment, alive and well!
Stay tuned for more simple and easy ways to cope in these stressful times and believe that you may start having Magical Moments that may become, “A Magical Day”.
Visit Carole and Goddess TOUCH for her services, classes, and calendar of events on Also on facebook and twitter @caroleramsay.