HAPPY Full Moon, dear friends!
Since my last update (May 2019), we continue to be propelled to see and be more of who we are … our DNA continues to be activated whereby Cellular Memory (memories of each cell in our body) is being recalled to the surface of our conscious mind to be acknowledged and transformed into Light. For many of us, this “recall” has created much fear as it attaches to our Solar Plexis chakra and our digestion. As such, many have had difficulty with addictive behaviors. Not to worry… This too shall pass. The lesson is that “there is NO LESSON!” We are cleaning house, that is all!
I’ve not been making any decisions, planning, etc., just allowing to rest, breathe, work a little. This is the time to be gentle and loving with ourself. What is coming up for you? Many will agree that the mind is set to produce, produce, produce, otherwise, we may fail !!! Having a lack of …. brings more fear. Listening / watching the news, social media, etc. is fear-based and feeds our minds that we are small, limited, and disconnected to each other. This is the farthest from the truth!
This month, I’m back to share my gentle yet so powerful Reiki classes – REIKI IS NOT JUST FOR HEALING!
There is a Reiki Revival in the ether due the the high demand to learn this gentle, yet effective energy enhancer for self, others, and situations. The next Reiki Level 1 & 2 Class (see below) will be held thisWednesday, August 21 or on Saturday, August 24th. The next Advanced Practitioner Class (a 2-day class – see below) will be held September 14 and 15. The Master Class will be held end October. All Reiki practitioners including Reiki Masters are welcomed to join the Advanced Practitioner class (Learn 7 additional Sacred Symbols)! Please text or call me for more information. Payment plans available. REIKI IS NOT JUST FOR HEALING!