
I had the opportunity to take reiki education classes from Carole Ramsay over a several year period. It was the first time that I felt such an incredible energy exchange from this powerful and loving spiritual modality. Carole is a powerful Reiki Master whom I highly recommend to anyone for private sessions, classes, or just a quiet talk. She has amazing energy and it shows! During all Reiki I, II, Advanced and Master classes, she continuously reviewed the materials to ensure that the students understood all applications of the Reiki classes. I feel more compassionate toward others, more sensitive to the energies and am able to pick up the smallest nuances. I love sandwiching the Symbols for added power! Thank you, Carole, for the opportunity to attend your Reiki classes.
Lisa Smith, Business Owner/LMT Pompano Beach, FL
I went to Carol for various reasons. I had been suffering from PTSD my entire life from past life trauma and physical pain for 12 years from a car accident. After picking up a dark parasite from an accidental astral projection 4 years ago, all the emotional and physical pain drastically increased. and a normal active life as I knew it stopped. Quality of life went downhill. I visited multiple doctors. Treatments and pain management therapy has not worked at all. Doctors have been baffled as to why I was in so much pain. Tests, MRI’s, etc. couldn’t explain the pain away, or why nothing worked (Doctors discovered a cyst on my spinal cord 2 years ago from the car accident 12 years ago). I met Carol at a psychic fair at the metaphysical church in Fort Lauderdale. I was instantly drawn to her photo, and she confirmed what I had suspected regarding the dark parasite keeping me in pain. Carol performed a Clear the Path session – an incredible experience. Carol pinpointed all the issues and addressed them. I truly feel all weight and the pressure from all the trauma gone. I am no longer suffering or haunted from the trauma or the memories. The muscles in my back that were perpetually clenched have drastically released the tension. Most of the pain is gone. Flexibility in my back has returned. I can actually feel a difference now with my doctor and therapist has prescribed stretches. Saw my chiropractor 3 days after my session with Carol and was amazed at the difference (actually everyone has noticed the difference!). He’s known me my whole life and watched me go from a happy bubbly person to miserable and depressed 3 years ago, hoping for life to end every night when I went to bed so I wouldn’t have to feel pain anymore. He could feel the difference in the quality of my back. The pain of the cyst has been reduced and relegated strictly to the one spot on my spine, like it was post–accident. My back is actually better than it has been SINCE the car accident! Definitely will be scheduling another appointment next month for a follow up. I recommend Carol to everyone!
As soon as I started the 4:4 Recalibration session with Carole, I felt an energetic download into my body, receiving a lengthy communication detailing my health with suggestions to improve it (known only to me) I felt a healing energetically feeling tingling, hot and cold, on and off, throughout my body. After the session, all the pain I had until that moment in my knees was gone! And when I did a short meditation, I could see a gorgeous violet and blue light swirling all around my third eye for the first time.
I was given priceless information and permanent healing by the channeled 44 Venusian guides through Carole. This session is valued beyond its pricing into $thousands! I had 4 sessions thus far and I look forward to the next one
Dear Lady Carole,
Aqeel here, your reading was empowering, therapeutic and clearing for me. I have not slept so deep in a very long time.Thank you for your vivacious style and presentation. You are truly gifted. May you continue to inspire.
I am writing this letter as a witness to the events that played out in my home. I invited Carole to my home to assist me with my findings in Ancestry. My grandmother on my father side is a missing link and I thought Carole could help me with a reading. Well, Carole came over, immediately encountered a spirit in my home, which was my mother. Carole told me that she needed to do a cleansing of my home, my mother was stuck here and why. Carole did the cleaning also asked me how was my relationship with my husband, which my husband had become very distant from me. During the cleaning Carole explained why my husband was so distant from me, she also reassured me that things would get better after the cleaning and why. During the cleaning my husband was at the store shopping he had been having a lot of stomach problems, on his way home he vomited. When my husband got home he said to me; the strangest thing happened, on my way home I vomited and I never vomit, I wonder what happen? I asked him if he was alright and he said he was, I explain to him what happen at the house and how Carole had cleansed our home from elements that were stuck in our home, and how that element was keeping us apart. I also followed all her other instructions about my home. Carole was right about my house and I haven’t had any issues with that spirit. Thank you Carole sometimes we need a little help in get thing cleared up, especially if we don’t see the fog. Sincerely,
Dear Carole,
You came into my life when I needed you most. After losing my Mother and several other life changes you made me feel good about myself again. I have learned that I can do anything I want from listening and having you apply Reiki. You have a comforting, beautiful spirit. From the moment I met you I Instantly felt cared for.You are beautiful and an inspiration to everyone around you. I highly recommend you to all. Thank you for everything you do.
Carol Ramsey is an amazing psychic. She recently read my son’s new puppy Baxter and what she told me came true! Carol is able to read the energy of pets who often have messages for us. The message Baxter had was for my son and that he would be there to comfort my son through some difficult times that were ahead involving his friends.
Days after the reading, one of his friends was in a motorcycle accident and seriously injured. Thankfully he recovered. Weeks later tragically a second close friend died in a another motorcycle accident. Carol was able to read Baxter’s energy from just a picture and relay this message to me weeks before these events actually happened, letting me know that Baxter would be a comfort to my son during this difficult time. She also brought forth messages about my own health which proved to be true as well.
I highly recommend Carole, she is a gifted psychic, medium and healer who can help you.
Pet Psychic
“Carole’s insights helped me and my fur baby, Portia, at a very difficult time in our lives when she became very sick & I had to make the difficult decision to let her go. Carole’s ability to communicate to me Portia’s message that “she was ready when I was ready”, helped give me the strength, certainty, & peace that I was making the right decision. I’m very grateful to have met Carole!”
Carole Ramsay is a gifted psychic/medium/healer/teacher plus. I have had the opportunity to have a number of readings with her. Having a pet reading is very special because she will talk to your pet’s soul and answer questions that you may have. But, the reading will go much deeper and bigger than you are usually expecting. You will learn much about the connection and purpose between you for this lifetime. And, you will probably get some insight into past lives with your beloved pet. I promise you will come away with a lot to think about because the picture is more than you imagined. Love and Light,
I met Carole over 12 years ago at a New Age conference, after I had lost my daughter in an accident, was totally distraught, and in need of some confirmation that she was at least in a good place, and if possible, to have some contact with/or about her, hopefully a message.
Carole saw that she was still caught in a web and had not quite realized that she had left us. She helped release her, and subsequently informed me with some details about her immediate death in the car accident, the people who took care of her and other details. Carole was able to give me some relief in that knowledge, and subsequent readings from others confirmed the same.
Over the years, after our first meeting I was able to get positive telephone readings from Carole regarding my daughter and the role she was still playing trying to help her children and me to move on. I was very grateful for all of Carole’s help, in giving me relief and answers about some of the problems I faced after my severe loss. It always seemed that I called her when I was at a loss for answers, and after the readings found a great deal of relief.
I lost track of Carole after a few years, only to find her again, in 2014, when I was in need of help after the death of my longtime partner. Carole”s readings have been very positive and a source of great comfort to me, they have assisted me in answering many questions that bothered me after this loss, and also my I have joined Carole’s healing circle, consider her a friend, and find I am always leaving with a positive frame of mind after those sessions. I have also taken a first level Reiki course from her, and continue to get very informative readings from her.
She is an outstanding and talented psychic and channeler, healer, besides being a positive and charming person, truly a joy to know. I am most grateful at having found her and having her help me in finding answers to many difficult life’s problems that I have had to deal with and resolve. I highly recommend her readings and the therapeutic assistance they provide.

Carole is one of those people known for going out of their way to support clients, co-workers, and friends.
I have found her to be both competent and dynamic in ways that make her a pleasure to work with. All of this comes from a positive attitude that enhances her workplace and private life. I met Carole at Secret Woods in Hollywood where she held a Reiki/Healing Circle called “Reiki in the Park” from 2000 to 2002, to which I came regularly to receive healing, meditations and channeled messages. I highly recommend her to you. You will enjoy the time you spend with her and your body will too!
I’ve known Carole for about 12 years. When we first met, I knew she was a special lady and I was drawn to her kindness and open personality. She had been a Reiki Master for several years and we spoke many times about spirituality. I took Carole’s Reiki One and Reiki Two classes and felt so impressed with her knowledge. I had quite an enlightening spiritual experience during one of the classes and I still feel so much gratitude for Carole’s friendship.
I am very grateful that I went to Carole’s Sacred Sexuality class. I went in expecting one thing and came out with more than I had imagined. I was able to clear some issues that I wasn’t aware I had been holding on to that affected me as a woman. I also had been experiencing chronic lower back pain since the birth of my second son. During the class, after the clearing she did slight energy work on me and my pain went away. I haven’t had it come back and was not aware that it was tied into some womanly baggage I had been holding on to. I learned how to use my sacred power as a woman for manifestation purposes, which I still apply today. Learning where your power comes from as a woman is very important today because it is something we have forgotten. Getting in touch with the Feminine energy is beneficial to all of us women and giving yourself permission to be comfortable as a woman is truly imperative. It was great to be around the company of strong women whom I could connect with.
I was introduced to Reiki in April 2013. I am very thankful as it is a great gift in my life. My only regret is that I have not been exposed to this powerful tool earlier in my life. It would have been so helpful in stressful situations we are all exposed to at some point in our life.
Here are a few examples where Reiki has definitely made a difference in my life:
I am an intermediate golfer and whenever my game goes out of control I do my Hu Yin and other preparations prior to practicing Reiki, which automatically sets me into an altered, more relax state, where my game improved drastically.
Last June 2013, I had a minor but very painful medical procedure. At the beginning of the procedure I did not think about using Reiki but when I did later on into the procedure, my tolerance to the pain improved to a level where it was easy to finish the procedure without and pain medication.
Rev Carole Ramsay, RMT, is an amazing “coach”. She’s comes very well prepared to seminars and is open to share her experiences and is always happy to hear participants’ comments. Her energy is contagious!!!
I highly recommend Rev Ramsay as your Reiki Master Teacher.
Hello Carole! Thank you again for sharing your knowledge with me today!
I am thankful to having you on my journey! I’m gonna do my homework with a happy smile on my face thinking about your love and kindness!! Your insight about my mom confirms my concern, she needs to know she is free to go ahead and move toward the Light…! I know that before she passed away……yes, i was concerned because her religious beliefs always maintained a fear with her….and fear keeps people away from freedom, from the LIGHT. I did the best that i knew at that time. I now CONSCIOUSLY send her LOVE VIBES, FOREVER (from now, and now, and now, and now, and now, and now,and now)! And gonna make sure she get THERE, WHERE IS THE LIGHT! A lot of souls need to be set free….Let’s make them know there is LIGHT.
You are teaching such a great “delivrance”.
I want you to know i am working with you!
From my heart, Jean
Hi Carole. I of course have full faith in you; though have no actual knowledge of outcome from your practices.
The only thing that could be said is that you are a powerful, intelligent, spiritual woman with clear intentions of creating a better planet for all.
Blessings, Halley
Great experience
Dear Carole,
I was probably the greatest doubter you ever had. Last week (August 23, 2013), I went to one of your healing circles and understand your great abilities. You helped everyone in the room and me because you helped and made everyone feel better. It was a great experience.
Several months ago I had the good fortune of meeting Carole. With her winning smile and warm friendly personality shining through I couldn’t help but like her right a way. There is a wonderful way about her that makes you feel comfortable. I attended a few of her spirituality classes and learned a lot.
Carole’s heart is as big as her smile. She’s always there when you need her, and always willing to help and support you with what ever you need. I consider her a dear friend. Give yourself a chance to meet her, and you will love her as much as I do.
Regarding Lemurian Channeling & House clearing.
I didn’t know anything about the Lemurian’s until I met you at Kathryn’s Place and thought it was very interesting. Then you came to my house. As you know I love your energy. You have a wonderful way about you that always puts a smile on my face, & I love the way you make me feel comfortable. You were right on the money with everything you said and felt. In fact you even told me things that I was not aware of such as the fact that my Grandmother had a special name for me. I also remember prior to the house clearing you felt everyone’s presence before you walked in the door. You said, that, “everyone was there at the door waitng to greet you”, meaning everyone in my family who had passed away. Then there was the sad task of putting away all of their pictures, but it was a necessary & important thing to do because I needed too make the transition of getting used to being without my parents. We took some of my family pictures in my office & put the others away. The process was very painful! The house clearing was a little difficult because the spirits of my family members did not want to go. In fact someone was hiding in the closet in my office, but you managed to help everyone leave. After everyone left I remembered how strangely different the house felt. The energy was much lighter. I didn’t feel their presence like I used to when I walked in the door. Thank you for all the good work you are doing helping all of us transition in life.
May G-D Bless you, & Magical Hugs to you my friend.
Until we meet again,
I am so happy to have taken Reiki Level I, II and Advanced Practitioner with Carole. I have learned a lot about myself through these classes, more importantly, that I deserve love (a great lesson). I learned many healing applications for eight powerful Sacred Symbols. Since I’ve learned unconditional loving Reiki with Carole, I know peace and hope, and I can access it through my Reiki practice. I definitely recommend everyone to learn Reiki with Carole. This is powerful information for daily use whenever, wherever, which has exceeded all of my expectations. Carole rocks!
Thank you, Carole. I am very happy with the classes I have taken with you: Usui Reiki I, II, and Advanced Practitioner – everything I dreamed of. When applying the Sacred Symbols, they really work, especially when empowered with trust and unconditional love. Whether giving or receiving Reiki while in class, the energy felt just as strong either way. Since Reiki with Carole, I’ve learned that I am and have a greater connection from my heart (more open) with others and with the Universe. If anyone wants to learn a gentle yet powerful healing modality, learn Reiki with Carole. She is a compassionate, loving and dedicated Reiki Angel! Lastly, I want to share that learning Reiki with Carole has been very humbling and down to earth.
Love the classes with Carole. It’s the first time that I felt an energy exchange from this powerful and loving spiritual tool. Carole is a powerful Reiki Master whom I highly recommend anyone meet with her for private sessions, classes, or just a quiet talk. She has amazing energy and it shows! During all classes throughout Reiki I, II and Advanced Practitioner, she continuously reviewed the materials to ensure that the students understood all applications of the Reiki classes. I feel more compassionate toward others, more sensitive to the energies and am able to pick up the smallest nuances. I love sandwiching the Symbols for added power! Thank you, Carole, for the opportunity to attend your Reiki classes.
Carole, you have been a wonderful addition to my spiritual journey in 2013. I am grateful for you! Happy Holidays. Love & Light.
I learned REIKI Level 2 with Carole in January 2014. She gave me confidence that I am on the right path and able to do the healing work she has trained me for. I realized what a life altering experience another person can have on your life when they offer their hand in friendship. I’ve also felt the Reiki energy working to expand and open my heart. I would recommend getting spiritual coaching with Carole. She is gentle, patient, intuitive and genuinely interested in healing, and in educating others. She makes you feel very special. If I lived in South Florida I would be a regular at Carole’s Reiki Circles and would learn whatever she was teaching!
Carole is an angel in disguise of a beautiful, energetic, sensitive, glamourous, down to earth woman. She is genuine and the most authentic of Medium’s that you will ever meet.
Carole is truly amazing! I went to Carol for various reasons. I had been suffering from PTSD my entire life from past life trauma I had been experiencing in very real, visceral ways, which contributed to the physical pain I’ve been in for 12 years s ince a car accident. After picking up a dark parasite from an accidental astral projection 4 years ago, all the emotional pain and physical pain drastically increased. and a normal active life as I knew it stopped. Quality of life went downhill. I became increasingly more and more sick. I visited multiple doctors. Treatments and pain management therapy has not worked at all. Doctors have been baffled as to why I was in so much. Tests, MRI’s, etc. couldn’t explain the pain away, or why nothing worked (Doctors discovered a cyst on my spinal cord 2 years ago from the car accident 12 years ago). I met Carol at a psychic fair at the metaphysical church in Fort Lauderdale. I was instantly drawn to her photo, and she confirmed what I had suspected regarding the dark parasite keeping me in pain. Carol performed a specialty session (I think) for me that combined the raindrop therapy for my spine, clearing energy blockages from the different dimensions, communicating with angels, and Reiki. It was an incredible experience. Carol pinpointed all the issues and addressed them. I truly feel all weight and the pressure from all the trauma gone. I am no longer suffering or haunted from the trauma or the memories. The muscles in my back that were perpetually clenched have drastically released the tension. Most of the pain is gone, probably left with the parasite. Flexibility in my back has returned. I can actually feel a difference now with my doctor and therapist has prescribed stretches. Saw my chiropractor 3 days after my session with Carol and was amazed at the difference (actually everyone has noticed the difference!). He’s known me my whole life and watched me go from a happy bubbly person to miserable and depressed 3 years ago, hoping for life to end every night when I went to bed so I wouldn’t have to feel pain anymore. He could feel the difference in the quality of my back. The pain of the cyst has been reduced and relegated strictly to the one spot on my spine, like it was post-accident. My back is actually better than it has been SINCE the car accident! Definitely will be scheduling another appt sometime next month for a follow up. Carol is truly a gift from God.
Carole Ramsay and her business Goddess T.O.U.C.H is simply amazing and magical– There is not other way to put it. I met Carole at the Newlife Expo in Ft. Lauderdale which was such a fabulous experience. I went to her speaking seminar, where we meditated and she spoke. Her loving words are so uplifting and so powerful. There is an expression saying “I am high on life” and I literally felt high on life after meditating with her, there are no other words to describe it other than experiencing it yourself with her. Carole is a beautiful person inside and out and exudes nothing but love, light and positivity. Carole is very inspiring and gives good advice when it comes to going through life, being at one with ourselves and letting go of things you might hold onto and letting go of loved ones you have lost so they can transition into the light. I had a 15 minute reading for Carole. She told me how I am and what I was born to do. She was so on point with everything and we were very in tune with one another. She started channeling my dad who passed away, she told me things that only he would know (which is how i knew this was real) and he gave Carole a couple of messages to tell me. It made me cry so much that it made Carole cry. We both felt the love and compassion coming from my dad and it was a magical experience! I definitely recommend everybody and anybody to get in touch with Carole and Goddess Touch. She will make you feel so alive and so loved!
Pet Psychic
I cannot say enough about Carole and her abilities. I was fostering a cat, Trixie (whom I have since adopted) and she ripped a hole in my patio screen and got out. I contacted Carole who was able to connect with Trixie, and literally saw through Trixie’s eyes where she was and what she was seeing. From that I knew she was still in my neighborhood. Carole told me she would be coming back and when it would happen, and it happened just like she said. Carole has an amazing ability to communicate with our animals and tell their story as they tell it to her. You will not be disappointed.
“I’ve been feeling great since my Clear the Path session with Carole last Tuesday. I worked a long night last Friday which usually my back is on fire burning with much pain. I didn’t feel that and I worked yesterday too (2 days later) and I had no back pain. I also feel clearer with better focus, more emotionally connected to my heart. Thank you, Carole.”
When she first read for me at a show, her guidance was true and on point – the outcome was validated within just a few days. I have felt so much better after her Reiki healings and groups. In fact, chose to certify my next level with her with Usui Reiki Level 1 & 2 I have experienced her 44 Recalibration remote energy technique, and it felt wonderful and soothing. In fact, it may be time for another one All in all, I want to share how wonderful and true she is. You won’t be disappointed
With deep love.
I’ve been feeling great since my Clear the Path session with Carole last Tuesday. I worked a long night last Friday which usually my back is on fire burning with much pain. I didn’t feel that and I worked yesterday too (2 days later) and I had no back pain. I also feel clearer with better focus, more emotionally connected to my heart. Thank you, Carole.
“Hi Carole!
I have been full of energy and ideas the last couple days since our session and have made great progress on organizing my craft room (something I have been meaning to do for nearly a year!)! Did a lot of singing the first day and listened to some opera.
Today I am a little stuffed up and my sinuses are hurting again. I think I mentioned I’m on antibiotics for a sinus infection. I should probably be taking it easy, but I have just felt so excited to get stuff done! I have had a muscle knot on my right calf since our session and have been curious what that is about! Hoping it’s’ not something icky clinging on? I have downloaded and logged into What’s App and sent you a message! Hopefully this will allow me to get the recording of our call!!!
Thank you for checking in on me and thank you again for an amazing session Saturday. It was truly life changing and I am looking forward to life continuing to get better because of it!!!!
Carole is a miracle worker! I went to her 3 years ago feeling anxious and depressed. Through her gentle guidance, and patient ear, she has really helped me. From her “Clear the Path” energy healing techniques, Reiki classes, and overall life coaching, I am so fortunate for her. Anytime I am feeling down, a quick meditation with Carole always puts me at ease. I could not recommend Carole enough. She is a very special person and so talented!
As soon as I started the “4:4 Recalibration” remote session over the phone with Carole, I felt an energetic download into my body, receiving a lengthy communication detailing my health with suggestions to improve it (known only to me) I felt a healing energetically feeling tingling, hot and cold, on and off, throughout my body. After the session, all the pain I had until that moment in my knees was gone! And when I did a short meditation, I could see a gorgeous violet and blue light swirling all around my third eye for the first time. I was given priceless information and permanent healing by the channeled 44 Venusian guides through Carole. The cost of this session is $44 US dollars, but its value is beyond, worth $4,000! I had 3 sessions thus far and I look forward to the next one.
Hi Darius, I had decided not to buy another program as I have so many programs that I use, so I had not opened your last emails for the last 10 healers. I was driving so I thought I would just listen to something -it happened to be Carole. As I was driving I kept seeing 888 on number plates( 4 times ) and more triple digits than I have ever seen as well as double digits so I thought I’d better pay attention to the angels. It seemed I was meant to buy her program. I purchased it yesterday and within hours had an appointment scheduled for this morning! We had our session. She is amazing. Very intuitive, went deep into curses stuff from generations Which made a lot of sense. She was extremely helpful and strong but gentle and we immediately became best friends. I highly recommend her sessions.
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