Many of us are sensing something “more” is surfacing from deeply within; for some, with some discomfort. We are moving into a new phase of Reality of Being/Living. This month, more intense emotions are requiring our attention to detox the “old ways” of being and understanding our life as we have created it linearly. We are asked to take all the time we need (no thinking required to be spherical), be gentle, and breathe… (expectations and judgment are now addictions of the past, coming from the mind). We are re-creating OurSelf breath-by-breath. Our Intuitive nature is now guiding us as more gifts awaken. Have you ever thought that you don’t belong here, looking up at the stars? Do you have spiritual/metaphysical gifts you wish to enhance? Are you at crossroads needing mentoring and/or guidance? I can help you.
Below is an invitation to join my FREE Facebook group FAMILY OF LIGHT CIRCLE, whereby I will be posting, channeling, and discussing what we need to create CLARITY throughout our personal and collective transition. This Group also encourages you to participate in sharing your “transformational gateways” to help other lights find their way Home. I also encourage everyone to share our struggles as we Awaken. I look forward to hearing from you and together, as a “Family of Light Circle” we continue to be victorious in our magnificent Transformation!
On February 15-16, please join me for another Inspiring Year at the NEWLIFE EXPO, where I will be available Saturday and Sunday to offer guidance, clearings, and balancing.
I am available for Transformational healings with CLEAR THE PATH private sessions, where limitations from former trauma (former lives included), cellular memory activations, Lightbody activations, and more, will be addressed to create clarity allowing more Transformative Light into your every-day life, creating a magnet for all good things… and more! Now available over the phone. Please see pricing below…