
Raindrop Technique
Raindrop Technique Have you ever heard about a healing session with the use of essential oils being strategically placed on the body? I have been

Pet Psychic in Florida
A PET PSYCHIC in Florida is a highly sensitive person & can communicate telepathically with animals, even deceased. HOW CAN I HELP? Are you

Love is Everywhere
“What’s the rush?” I don’t know about you, but it seems that the days are getting shorter – again! Do you feel wanting to relax

(channeled, 45-60 min.) – Since mid-March, 2020, 44 beings of Light, calling themselves “the Venusians” have been using my mind, my heart and my body to assist humanity

A Venusian Message of Love
A VERY Happy New Year to you, Child of Light! For many humans, everything in your 3D world of form seems to be the same

Carole’s Energy Updated for September/October
Greetings and Welcome, Friends! It’s time to share our Light with the World! September/October offer us insights of feminine light waves enveloping us to shift