About us
What is Goddess T.O.U.C.H.
Goddess is the feminine aspect of God/Creator/Source of all things, the Universal healing energy that nurtures, protects, and feeds our hungry souls as a loving mother who tends to her infant. Let us invite our Inner Child to find love and acceptance in our life again, so that we may allow peace, love, joy, happiness, and prosperity from this moment forward.
T.O.U.C.H. are the initials for: Transmuting Of the Universal Consciousness Heart – the sacred flame of unconditional love and compassion generating our vehicle (Heart) to consciously steer us into higher frequencies, thus, into our multi-dimensionality. These are energies we have been gifted with and we embody. It is our birthright!
Goddess T.O.U.C.H. sessions are active, whereby, I facilitate in expanding your consciousness, seeing the Perfection that you are. I’ll share with you the different energies that I channel through specific techniques used in moving the imbalances from your energy field at different levels, being physical, emotional, mental, and/ or spiritual. Your frequencies will be heightened. Your true essence will shine as we work closely with our guides, and higher selves, through time, space and dimension, to harmonize and integrate body, mind, and spirit. This “natural” state of being causes a “ripple” effect transforming the self in the Self. You will feel grounded, focused, and connected. You are transforming yourself to freedom; back to what you truly are: a limitless creator!
These gentle and loving Activation techniques are initially experienced in person through private sessions, and may be followed up by telephone sessions. (For more information, please see Services)
Carole’s bio

Goddess T.O.U.C.H. is the culmination of over 40 years of quantum spiritual studies, the result being a unique technique of Multi-Dimensional High Frequency and DNA Activations used to break free from the 3D limitational way of thinking, bringing the awareness of joy and freedom, by elevating the person’s Awareness.
Born an empath, psychic, prophetic channel, facilitator and teacher, my purpose is to INTEGRATE a Direction to access High Vibrational Frequencies of Light for Higher Consciousness growth during the shifts in the universes of duality and form. I am simultaneously multi-dimensional, able to access information at will. I have passionately studied the fields of the paranormal, ancient religious customs and beliefs, various spiritual healing techniques, and the importance of “intent” in every-day life.
My work centers around the uses of subtle energies to help align and balance the energy bodies, to help restore balance and harmony for healing to occur on all levels, i.e., physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
I have promoted other Holistic Players through my creation of A DAY OF SELF-DISCOVERY, a one-day magical party and networking. I share and teach healing modalities, ie, Reiki classes up to and including Master level, A Course in Miracles, Transformational Energy Release, hold guided meditation and healing circles. I offer various workshops and presentations on higher consciousness learning, spiritual therapy and coaching. I offer individual private sessions and group psychic parties in South Florida and internationally. I hold a 30-year background in the corporate and legal industry. I’m honored to hold the following credentials: a Reiki Master and Teacher, through the Late Linda Turner Bucklew; an ordained minister through the Universal Brotherhood Movement, a Bonded Florida Notary Public for the State of Florida, and a Young Living Distributor #295162. I’m listed on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.♥