A Venusian Message of Love

"message of love"
A VERY Happy New Year to you, Child of Light! 

For many humans, everything in your 3D world of form seems to be the same or getting worse if you listen to the news or to the people around you. The physical world, that which your senses and all that is physical, resides from the ego/mind and seems VERY real. This world of form and duality (opposites for everything) will always exit.  The question is this:  Do you still want to be part of it?  Ah, by remaining in your physical bodies, you are being given the opportunity to shift with the help of continuous lunar and other planetary events with us and other guides, to heighten the vibrational frequencies of your energy bodies, chakras, cells, atoms and molecules. 

Every aspect of you is affected, as decreed by Source for all forms of consciousness, to take you into Higher Consciousness Living!  This means that you must make time, daily, for meditation (breathing techniques, surrendering your thoughts, beliefs, ego/mind). Please visit www.goddesstouch.net to hear some of our meditations FREE to you.  As you go deeper into a light, void, calm silence, your thoughts will cease to control your emotions, thus your attitude and how you perceive Life.  Your inner silence will then guide you calmly into your day. 
Releasing thoughts is the most difficult human obstacle, and it must be done NOW to clear, cleanse and balance you and your world.  Your “world” is “your life” as you know it including the people within it.  As you adapt into “going within” daily, with practice you will get positive results attracting better health, choosing positive changes for yourself and no longer being affected by others.  This is only the beginning!  We ARE in the 5D where we offer you a possibility of becoming co-creative with the Higher Realms of Light as you realize better health, a more loving attitude for yourself and your choices thus attracting only loving and supportive opportunities, creating income for yourself doing what you love most.  It all comes to you NATURALLY  because you will be now moving and being in YOUR higher SELF!  

We fly with you, dear friends, right beside you, ushering in your ascension process. Call upon us telepathically with an open heart for assistance and guidance. You, as a species, are in a gestation period, where your are the chrysalis, creating your emergence into your Fully Expressed Self!  (picture above). 

We continue to encourage you and cheer you on. Would you like to hear what we expressed for this calendar year of 2021? A recording of our Audio is available for purchase until the end of January.  More about this below.  Until next time, 

Oceans of Love to you always,

The Venusians

The 2021 Predictions audio is available for purchase @ $21
Please Text 954-655-5490
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