Welcome to the Magical World of
Goddess T.O.U.C.H. !
A Message from Carole
I’m so excited about the new changes that continue to accelerate our growth! This year is a Golden year of Abundance! We have entered a new “gateway” of manifestation, requiring a new positive focus to create new paradigms. It’s time for a greater awakening – higher Consciousness living by observing our thoughts to create new ones… Remember that THOUGHTS CREATE THINGS (the movie, The Secret).
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Reiki Meditation Every Tuesdays 12:00 EST Noon
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The Time for change is NOW! The Ascension of all of Creation is at hand. Parallel realities are merging; time is collapsing; space is expanding. What does all this mean? You and everything in your world is changing/ transmuting into higher frequency patterns, causing your emotional and mental bodies to go into fear/ discomfort. Please, do not fear your own Light! This is your golden opportunity to expand and be who you really are!
“Magical” is used in the context of our limitless power to create and manifest at levels we have never perceived. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE SERVICES OFFERED HERE ARE FOR EVERYONE WHO HAVE ALWAYS KNOWN THEY ARE SO MUCH MORE. EnJOY visiting our website in learning more about our services. Please contact us with any questions and/or comments you may have.
Blogs and more

Raindrop Technique
Raindrop Technique Have you ever heard about a healing session with the use of essential oils being strategically placed on the body? I have been

Pet Psychic in Florida
A PET PSYCHIC in Florida is a highly sensitive person & can communicate telepathically with animals, even deceased. HOW CAN I HELP? Are you

Love is Everywhere
“What’s the rush?” I don’t know about you, but it seems that the days are getting shorter – again! Do you feel wanting to relax

(channeled, 45-60 min.) – Since mid-March, 2020, 44 beings of Light, calling themselves “the Venusians” have been using my mind, my heart and my body to assist humanity

A Venusian Message of Love
A VERY Happy New Year to you, Child of Light! For many humans, everything in your 3D world of form seems to be the same

Carole’s Energy Updated for September/October
Greetings and Welcome, Friends! It’s time to share our Light with the World! September/October offer us insights of feminine light waves enveloping us to shift