The Time for change is NOW!

Welcome to the Magical World of
Goddess T.O.U.C.H. !

A Message from Carole

I’m so excited about the new changes that continue to accelerate our growth! This year is a Golden year of Abundance! We have entered a new “gateway” of manifestation, requiring a new positive focus to create new paradigms. It’s time for a greater awakening – higher Consciousness living by observing our thoughts to create new ones… Remember that THOUGHTS CREATE THINGS (the movie, The Secret).

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Reiki Meditation Every Tuesdays 12:00 EST Noon

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Reiki Services

Google Reviews
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11:35 27 Jul 22
As soon as I started the “4:4 Recalibration” remote session over the phone with Carole, I felt an energetic download into my body and started receiving details about my health( known only to me ) with suggestions on how to improve it . I felt an energetic healing, tingling, hot and cold, on and off, throughout my body. After the session, all the pain I had until that moment in my knees was gone! And when I did a short meditation, soon afterwards, for the first time in my life I could see a gorgeous violet and blue light swirling all around my third eye . I was given priceless information and permanent healing by the channeled 44 Venusian guides through Carole. The value of the session is definitely much more than what she charges, worth $thousands....! Every session deepens the work done in the previous one...and the results and benefits just keep expanding and increasing !Anna
Patricia Star
20:24 26 Jul 22
Carole is truly amazing! I went to Carole for various reasons. I had been suffering from PTSD my entire life from past life trauma I had been experiencing in very real, visceral ways, which contributed to the physical pain I’ve been in for 12 years since a car accident. After picking up a dark parasite from an accidental astral projection 4 years ago, all the emotional pain and physical pain drastically increased, and a normal active life as I knew it stopped. Quality of life went downhill. I became increasingly more and more sick. I visited multiple doctors. Treatments and pain management therapy has not worked at all. Doctors have been baffled as to why I was in so much pain. Tests, MRI’s, etc. couldn’t explain the pain away, or why nothing worked (Doctors discovered a cyst on my spinal cord 2 years ago from the car accident 12 years ago). I met Carole at a psychic fair at the metaphysical church in Fort Lauderdale. I was instantly drawn to her photo, and she confirmed what I had suspected regarding the dark parasite keeping me in pain. Carole performed a specialty session (I think) for me that combined the raindrop therapy for my spine, clearing energy blockages from the different dimensions, communicating with angels, and Reiki. It was an incredible experience. Carole pinpointed all the issues and addressed them. I truly feel all weight and the pressure from all the trauma gone. I am no longer suffering or haunted from the trauma or the memories. The muscles in my back that were perpetually clenched have drastically released the tension. Most of the pain is gone, probably left with the parasite. Flexibility in my back has returned. I can actually feel a difference now with my doctor and therapist has prescribed stretches. Saw my chiropractor 3 days after my session with Carole and was amazed at the difference (actually everyone has noticed the difference!). He’s known me my whole life and watched me go from a happy bubbly person to miserable and depressed 3 years ago, hoping for life to end every night when I went to bed so I wouldn’t have to feel pain anymore. He could feel the difference in the quality of my back. The pain of the cyst has been reduced and relegated strictly to the one spot on my spine, like it was post-accident. My back is actually better than it has been SINCE the car accident! Definitely will be scheduling another appointment sometime next month for a follow up. Carole is truly a gift from God.
Roger Bijlani
00:04 11 Nov 21
Carole is an absolute miracle worker. She has helped me through so many fears and limitations, it's really hard to describe the amazing shifts in consciousness she can facilitate. I am eternally grateful.
11:35 27 Jul 22
As soon as I started the “4:4 Recalibration” remote session over the phone with Carole, I felt an energetic download into my body and started receiving details about my health( known only to me ) with suggestions on how to improve it . I felt an energetic healing, tingling, hot and cold, on and off, throughout my body. After the session, all the pain I had until that moment in my knees was gone! And when I did a short meditation, soon afterwards, for the first time in my life I could see a gorgeous violet and blue light swirling all around my third eye . I was given priceless information and permanent healing by the channeled 44 Venusian guides through Carole. The value of the session is definitely much more than what she charges, worth $thousands....! Every session deepens the work done in the previous one...and the results and benefits just keep expanding and increasing !Anna
Patricia Star
20:24 26 Jul 22
Carole is truly amazing! I went to Carole for various reasons. I had been suffering from PTSD my entire life from past life trauma I had been experiencing in very real, visceral ways, which contributed to the physical pain I’ve been in for 12 years since a car accident. After picking up a dark parasite from an accidental astral projection 4 years ago, all the emotional pain and physical pain drastically increased, and a normal active life as I knew it stopped. Quality of life went downhill. I became increasingly more and more sick. I visited multiple doctors. Treatments and pain management therapy has not worked at all. Doctors have been baffled as to why I was in so much pain. Tests, MRI’s, etc. couldn’t explain the pain away, or why nothing worked (Doctors discovered a cyst on my spinal cord 2 years ago from the car accident 12 years ago). I met Carole at a psychic fair at the metaphysical church in Fort Lauderdale. I was instantly drawn to her photo, and she confirmed what I had suspected regarding the dark parasite keeping me in pain. Carole performed a specialty session (I think) for me that combined the raindrop therapy for my spine, clearing energy blockages from the different dimensions, communicating with angels, and Reiki. It was an incredible experience. Carole pinpointed all the issues and addressed them. I truly feel all weight and the pressure from all the trauma gone. I am no longer suffering or haunted from the trauma or the memories. The muscles in my back that were perpetually clenched have drastically released the tension. Most of the pain is gone, probably left with the parasite. Flexibility in my back has returned. I can actually feel a difference now with my doctor and therapist has prescribed stretches. Saw my chiropractor 3 days after my session with Carole and was amazed at the difference (actually everyone has noticed the difference!). He’s known me my whole life and watched me go from a happy bubbly person to miserable and depressed 3 years ago, hoping for life to end every night when I went to bed so I wouldn’t have to feel pain anymore. He could feel the difference in the quality of my back. The pain of the cyst has been reduced and relegated strictly to the one spot on my spine, like it was post-accident. My back is actually better than it has been SINCE the car accident! Definitely will be scheduling another appointment sometime next month for a follow up. Carole is truly a gift from God.
Roger Bijlani
00:04 11 Nov 21
Carole is an absolute miracle worker. She has helped me through so many fears and limitations, it's really hard to describe the amazing shifts in consciousness she can facilitate. I am eternally grateful.

The Time for change is NOW!  The Ascension of all of Creation is at hand.  Parallel realities are merging; time is collapsing; space is expanding.  What does all this mean?  You and everything in your world is changing/ transmuting into higher frequency patterns, causing your emotional and mental bodies to go into fear/ discomfort.  Please, do not fear your own Light!  This is your golden opportunity to expand and be who you really are!

“Magical” is used in the context of our limitless power to create and manifest at levels we have never perceived. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE SERVICES OFFERED HERE ARE FOR EVERYONE WHO HAVE ALWAYS KNOWN THEY ARE SO MUCH MORE.   EnJOY visiting our website in learning more about our services.  Please contact us with any questions and/or comments you may have.

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